6 Ways to Turn Mealtime Struggles into Wins for Parents of Picky Eaters

Graphic of with a hand reaching out for carrots, and another hand reaching for a strawberry

As some of us know all too well, picky eating is fairly common. But just because it’s common doesn’t mean it can’t also be difficult and frustrating it can be! If you’re worried about your child getting the essential nutrients they need, or you’re just hoping for some advice from one parent to another, here are some tips and tricks to help your picky eater try new foods and help them get the right nutrition. 

Involve your little one in the kitchen.    

A great way to make your kid more comfortable with different foods is to get their hands on them. When preparing their meals or snacks, take the time to teach them how to prepare them on their own. If you’re chopping carrots and making hummus, or even preparing a holiday meal, have them stir, clean, and snack along with you. You could even purchase a kid-friendly kitchen set and an apron for some added fun.  

Turn meals into a science experiment.  

Kids are more likely to try new foods when they’ve had a hand in preparing them. Let them sprinkle, mix, chop (with a kid-safe knife), or even choose the recipe. Is it messy? Absolutely. But in the mess, you’ll find moments of curiosity and connection. Whether it’s making quesadillas or holiday cookies, these shared experiences help your child feel empowered—and maybe even excited—about what’s on their plate. 

Be their role model at mealtimes. 

Kids notice everything you do, including how you approach food. Show and share your avocado toast or granola and berry snack mix with them. Exposure and tasting new foods over time will encourage your child to eventually use them in the meals and snacks they prepare for themselves. As your kids grow, give them more of what you’re eating, not just “kid-friendly” meals and snacks. 


Create a safe, distraction-free space for meals.  

Family dinners are about more than food: they’re about connection. Turn off the TV, put phones away, and just be present. Sitting down together can make a difference in how kids engage with their meals. They’ll learn that mealtimes are a chance to connect with family, not a battle to avoid food. Fewer distractions may mean more focus on food!   


Incorporate “no-pressure” meals and give them choices.  

If your child doesn’t seem keen on anything you give them, put the ball in their court. Give them the option to choose or participate in planning their menu: “Do you want a sunflower seed butter and jelly sandwich or a tomato sandwich with avocado and cucumber?” Giving kids several options and the power to choose could help change their perspective.   


Simplify nutrition with Kate Farms Kids Nutrition.  

We understand that there are days when no amount of creativity, patience, or encouragement makes mealtime any easier. And that’s perfectly okay. For those challenging moments, Kate Farms Kids Nutrition is here to help. Created with parents of picky eaters in mind, our plant-based, thoughtfully prepared shake takes the stress out of ensuring your child gets the nutrition they need. 

Available in three flavors kids will love—chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry—each shake provides 27 essential vitamins and minerals, 8 grams of organic yellow pea protein, omega-3 DHA to help support brain and eye health, and 5 grams of fiber to help support digestive health. It’s nutrition you can trust and a taste your child will love. 

We know how overwhelming it can feel to make sure your child is getting the nutrients they need, especially when picky eating adds another layer of stress. Whether you’re sharing a kitchen experiment, a quiet family dinner, or Kate Farms Kids Nutrition, you’re doing your best. If you try Kate Farms Kids Nutrition, we’d love to hear from you. What works for you might inspire another parent who needs it! 

Nutrition for healthy growth and development.

A delicious and convenient plant-based shake. Made with USDA Organic pea protein and a phytonutrients blend.

The content on this site (the “Content”) is provided for information purposes only. Kate Farms has attempted to include information it believes to be reliable and accurate as of the date of this Content. Kate Farms expressly disclaims and makes no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, as to the Content including the accuracy or completeness of the information in this Content. Kate Farms shall have no liability relating to or resulting from the use of this Content. The Content is not intended as a replacement for medical advice, approved practices or policies of a particular physician and/or healthcare facility standards of care, all of which you should consider when using this Content.   


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  2. The Nutrition Source. Accessed December 4, 2024. https://nutritionsource.hsph.harvard.edu/ 

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